Empowering change through fair trade.
Dried Flower Terracotta Candle Set
Matr Boomie
Terracotta pots are a traditional art in India made by local village potters. Before metal was available widespread, all the drinking and cooking vessels in India were traditionally made with terracotta. These are made using a special clay that is completely natural and eco-friendly. The basic shape is created on a potter’s wheel and then they are dried in the sun. Once dry, they are put in a kiln for baking. Both men and women are involved in the process.
For the candle pots in this month’s box, there are about 14-15 potters in this village that are engaged in this art. The wax is then poured to convert them to candles by other community members with the goal of creating jobs in the rural area. The flowers included are real dried flowers, and the terracotta pots can be reused later for other purposes. The community is focused on keeping the art alive and training the young generation to keep it going. This project to make these terracotta candle sets created employment for these families for over 45 days.
These products are being distributed by Matr Boomie—an organization committed to honoring the planet by using only sustainable materials and creating jobs for rural artisans while doing so. With new international markets open to them through Matr Boomie’s fair trade partnership, artisans are gaining economic stability and future generations can enjoy a more fruitful life. Through partnerships such as Faithbox, Matr Boomie is able to sponsor vocational training and health camps for these artisans and provide drastically improved working facilities and conditions.
“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.” – Galatians 6:9